Chinese University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Chinese University of Hong KongThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT(852) 3943 7000 / 3943 6000
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College name
Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT
Contact number
(852) 3943 7000 / 3943 6000
(852) 2603 5544
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Company description
The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Founded in 1963, we are a university that is as firmly rooted in Chinese culture as it is positioned in modern civilized society. After half a century of growth and development, we have become a comprehensive research university, a regional leader with a global reputation.
Since the inception, we have committed ourselves not only to advancing academic research but also upholding the humanistic culture. A university's role is not only to impart knowledge, but also to groom the moral character of our society's future torchbearers. This, we believe, is the essence of a university and the raison d'être of the Chinese University.
Feature stories, videos and social media functions have been strengthened to provide more updated, relevant and dynamic
Founded in 1963, we are a university that is as firmly rooted in Chinese culture as it is positioned in modern civilized society. After half a century of growth and development, we have become a comprehensive research university, a regional leader with a global reputation.
Since the inception, we have committed ourselves not only to advancing academic research but also upholding the humanistic culture. A university's role is not only to impart knowledge, but also to groom the moral character of our society's future torchbearers. This, we believe, is the essence of a university and the raison d'être of the Chinese University.
Feature stories, videos and social media functions have been strengthened to provide more updated, relevant and dynamic
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contents to all who care for the University and its development. Dedicated webpages have been designed for different stakeholder groups such as prospective students, students, alumni, staff and the media. There is something for everyone.Location map
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Chinese University of Hong KongThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT(852) 3943 7000 / 3943 6000
The best university in Hong Kong!!!
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