Six Tablespoons Number 2 Restaurant & Bar - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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Listing - +7Years
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Restaurant name
Six Tablespoons Number 2 Restaurant & Bar
9 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong
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Working hours
- Monday: 12:00-23:00
- Tuesday: 12:00-23:00
- Wednesday: 12:00-23:00
- Thursday: 12:00-23:00
- Friday: 12:00-23:00
- Saturday: 12:00-23:00
- Sunday: 12:00-18:00
Establishment year
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Company description
Six Tablespoons, Number 2 Restaurant & Bar is a fine dining European restaurant.
Expect some of the finest dishes made from the freshest ingredients sourced throughout Europe. Located on a pedestrian street between Hollywood Road and Gough Street, makes Number 2 Restaurant & Bar an ideal place for couples and groups of friends to have an enjoyable dining experience.
Inspired by not just the ingredients, but also the cooking techniques, founder Ruby Lau has personally selected dishes that she has created and will introduce new dishes to her guests every few months. With dishes ranging from Clam Capellini to Bread Pudding, Ruby's venture explores the possibilities one has with using natural cooking ingredients, such as olive oil.
Number 2 Restaurant & Bar is able to authentically create a connection between its food and its welcomed guests.
Expect some of the finest dishes made from the freshest ingredients sourced throughout Europe. Located on a pedestrian street between Hollywood Road and Gough Street, makes Number 2 Restaurant & Bar an ideal place for couples and groups of friends to have an enjoyable dining experience.
Inspired by not just the ingredients, but also the cooking techniques, founder Ruby Lau has personally selected dishes that she has created and will introduce new dishes to her guests every few months. With dishes ranging from Clam Capellini to Bread Pudding, Ruby's venture explores the possibilities one has with using natural cooking ingredients, such as olive oil.
Number 2 Restaurant & Bar is able to authentically create a connection between its food and its welcomed guests.
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