CESAN SOLUTIONS CO. LTD. - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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Room 3, 13/F, 153 Wai Yip Street, Hong Kong
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Contact Person Mr. Micky Lo
Employees 5 - 10
Company description
We provide you the one-stop shop on Measurement and Automation solutions.We are Cesan Solutions Co. Ltd. A Hong Kong based system integration company specialized in measurement and automation. Since 1998, we have been helping our customers to achieve their targets by our experience and connections in the fields of Test& Measurement, Industrial Automation, and Signal& Image Processing. With our experience and capability in design, manufacturing, testing, documentation and maintenance, we provide you a one-stop shop on:- System integration- Turnkey solution- Product design, prototyping and developmentBasically, measurement and automation can be applied in whatever industry you can think of. Obviously, we cannot boldly say that we are expert in everything. However, by combining our
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experience and your expertise in your area, we can guide you to take the wisest path, by-pass every obstacle, and arrive at the solution that can best fit your needs.All through these years, we have been helping companies in many different industries, such as automobile testing, communication network monitoring, production testing, reliability testing, E&M SCADA, food and beverage production, structural health monitoring and waste processing monitoring, etc. You are welcome to visit our web site to view the updated list of customers and solutions.Let's get up and check where you can apply technology to improve your company performance. Whether you have a problem on hand that needs to be solved right away, or you are not sure how measurement and automation can help you, give us a call or an email. We will be pleased to pay you a visit and give you the appropriate demonstration.Listed in categories
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